January 09, 2006

Not a Fair Cop

Village Hampden gets back from the hols to find that all crimes are arrestable.
it is entirely typical of the modern style of interfering government that their response to that anomaly was to make all offences arrestable. A better government would have asked why the non-arrestable offences were offences at all.
but arrestable offenses mean that the cops can get a DNA sample off you, to add to the growing mountain of DNA data
More than 3 million samples are in the DNA database
Should you later have the timidity to be found innocent (this time at least) the DNA will be kept on record, and now (via SpyBlog) as
changes in the law which allow for the retention of DNA tissue samples, anaysed DNA "fingerprints" profiles and conventional fingerprints, even from the
139,463 people who have a DNA profile on the national DNA database (NDNAD) who have not been charged or cautioned with an offence.


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